Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Social Media and Me

I just found out that I have a lot of work to do. I've been doing it all wrong. Or at least, I haven't been doing it enough. That, according to member Gretchen Rubin, the fabulous author of The Happiness Project, the blog and the book, who took time from her (very) busy schedule to visit the Library today to talk to member writers about social networking.

Gretchen knows what she's talking about. In my intro to her talk, I mentioned she had 19,000 Twitter followers, but I just realized, she's got more like 20,000 now. She was gracious and generous with her time and patiently answered the dozens of questions from the audience about how to get started, the commitment required (Gretchen faithfully blogs 6 days a week), and whether privacy matters.

Some takeaways from the talk included Gretchen's picks for blog software (WordPress), for newsletters (Mail Chimp and Aweber), and some great sites for Twitter tips (tweetdeck and twitips).

But the best advice? Gretchen's social media mantras:
1. Ubiquity is the new exclusivity
2. Self expression is the new entertainment
3. A strong voice repels as much as it attracts
4. Competitors are your allies

There was a lot I took out of this talk. I'll post more in the days ahead...I've got to get started blogging 6 days a week!

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